BY THE WAY! There might more then one about you.
There will be some of them where I will refuse to tell you who it's about. So don't bug me about it. But go ahead and post a comment and guess. Don't forget to say your name.
1) I think you're a really nice person. But I try not to talk to you as much because our conversations are always really awkward. Most of the time it's you talking, and me just trying to get a word in. You're just so.. talkative.
2) I miss talking to you. It's sort of hard to hangout with you now since I'm not really in "the group" anymore. I wish you would hangout with me and my friends more. Because you're so much fun. And honestly, we're so much alike. You're a really great person. And I hate seeing them turn you into somebody you're not. Maybe I have no idea what I'm talking about. Maybe you've always been that way. I don't know. I just miss talking to you.
3) I can't believe that just a few months ago I liked you. You're actually really mean to me now. Actually, no you're only mean to me when you're around HER. She's changed you so much. I can't stand it. Everything I say you look at me like I'm so stupid. You treat me like an idiot. But I love how you are at school. It's like you're two different people around her, and at school. Honestly, I would give you the advice to stay away from her. But I know you wouldn't listen. I don't know if I can say she's a bad person, because she's really nice to me. But I think you're better without her.
4) You've become such a good friend. If only you went to Sheldon. I love hanging out with you, even though our plans usually always fall apart. But the thing that I love, is you ALWAYS stand up for me. It shows that you actually do care. You're brave enough to stand up for me, no matter what the situation, no matter who it is. I look up to you in so many ways. Thank you for always looking out for me. I love you I love you
5) I'm so grateful for you. But I seem to lack importance in your life sometimes. I don't know. It seems like I'm always kind of picked last. You're one of my best friends. I know this year has been hard for you. I can see it. I know you're going through a hard time. I just wish you would come to me with your problems more, to talk about them. I love you to death.
6) I really don't like you. And I don't even know you. You're a Junior, or senior? I don't know but it seems like you think you're the coolest guy around. It really bugs me. For you're age you're really immature. Haha! I shouldn't even be saying this. I don't know you at all. But whatever. Grow up d00d! You're not as cool as you think you are.
7) I think it's wrong how you get people to like you, and then mess with their heads.
8) You're such a good friend. We met in computers last year, and ever since then, we're always hanging out, always texting, always going somewhere fourth period. I'm scared that once we don't have a free fourth anymore, we'll start to drift apart. I really hope that doesn't happen. You really are the greatest friend someone could ask for.
9) You've become a really good friend this year. It's been a while since we last hung out. It's kind of weird. We were hanging out every day for a while. I don't know. I realized that you never have much to say when it's just me and you hanging out. And then when we're hanging out with other people you have so much to talk about, and you're so much more outgoing. I've felt like lately I have to invite myself places. I'm never really invited as much anymore. Okay no, that's a lie. I don't know. We've had a lot of great times. The few times we hung out in the summer were so much fun. And the time's we've had this year have been great. The only thing I realized is you often rely on me to make the plans for everything. That's not always easy. I don't wanna always make the plans. You're a lot of fun to hangout with, and you're a really great person, and a really great friend. I really hope we continue to hangout as much as we have been lately.
10) We hung out freshman year, around winter break. And then all of a sudden we just stopped talking, stopped hanging out. And now we're talking again. I've only been to your house twice this year, and you've only come with us fourth period about twice, but I can already tell that we're gonna be good friends. You're really fun to cheeeeel with.
11) You're one of the funniest people that I've ever met. You're so much fun to be around. But you have so many people in your life that it's like it's hard to fit myself into it, you know? I think we have a really strong friendship. But I wish we had an even stronger one. Because you're such a fun person. THE ONLY THING IS, I wish you could just relax a little. You can be so dramatic sometimes. About the smallest things. It's such a middle school way to act. I'm not saying I don't do that at times, because I do. But I just want you to enjoy more things, more often. You have a bunch of great people, and a bunch of great things going for you. If only you could just enjoy it.
12) The thing that bugs me, is you think everyone hates you.
13) We're starting to be friends again. I'm actually really happy about it. You were always a true friend. I just think we need to make sure not to get too much of each other like we did last time. That's kind of what made our friendship fall apart. You can be very impatient, repetitive, and you have a history of compulsively telling lies. But at the same time I used to be really unfair to you, but I really don't think I'm like that anymore. I hope I'm not like that anymore. I know there's somethings you can't change. I know it's something I just need to get used to. I just sort of wish you could try to fix it. But whatever you're a great person. A great friend. And you're hella funny. And I think I need to stop trying to force change into you. And just let you do things on your own, and make decisions on your own. If I fail to do that, just let me know. Honestly. I've had some of the greatest times hanging out with you. And I know this year will be great since we're friends again.
14) You're really fun to hangout with. I would actually really like to be good friends with you. But it seems really hard to. I rarely get invited to do stuff with you and you tend to never answer text messages, or phone calls, for anyone. Hahaha I'm such I hypocrite. I don't answer phone calls either. But I don't know. You never answer when I need to know what the plan is.
15) You're the biggest flirt. It almost makes me like you sometimes. You're just such a fun girl.
16) I can't decide if I can call you my best friend or not. Because you've been so distant towards me lately that it's actually scary. I can't remember the last time I stayed at your house, or the last time you replied to my text messages, or the last time you asked me to hangout. I know you're disappointed in the choices I've been making but I never thought you would want to eliminate me from your life. It's really hard for me. You seem to be such an ass hole towards me when we're hanging out with other people. To the point where I don't want to invite you to come with us anymore. I just wish our friendship could go back to normal. I realized that we hung out so much that we started to become EXACTLY like each other. It's really been bugging me lately. I like having friends that are opposite of me. Not just like me. I'm becoming like you too at times. I guess our personalities are just starting to rub off on each other. I really hope you're not wanting to give up this friendship. Because I really don't want to do that. I wanted to ask you to hangout tonight. But I got nervous to ask because I don't want you to reject it. It's sad that we're to the point where I'm nervous to ask you to hangout. I just wish that you'd realize that I'm still the same exact person, even if I have been making different decisions. I really need our friendship.
17) You're the funniest person that I know. Seriously. I laugh my ass off when ever we hangout. You've become a really good friend. It's been a while since we last hung out too. You're raves at your house are so fun. Partying with your mom and all. Lmao! dude you're awesome. I'm really happy that we're friends.
18) Sometimes I want us to be 'cool' but I would be scared that if we were 'cool' I would want to draw myself close to you again. And I really can't do that. I just hope you know that I don't hate you. I don't have a grudge against you anymore. I just think you handled this all terribly. We both handled it terribly. But I don't think there's much we can do about it anymore. When I said I don't have a grudge about this anymore, that was a lie. There's still so much anger in me about all of this. I don't know when it will ever go away. I just hope you read this, and I hope you see the sentence where I say "I don't hate you" I never have and I never will. That's all you need to know. And I really DO hope you have a good life. And I really hope that you're happier now! (That's not sarcasm) And yes I miss you. But I just don't think I can do anything about it, at least not yet.
19) You're one of my best friends. Ever. I could say all the good things about you, and talk about all of our good times. But you've heard it all before. I'm the most comfortable around you. You really are the definition of a best friend. You're the only person that really understands my strangest thoughts, and opinions towards everything. You can predict everything that I have on my mind. It's so insane. The only thing I could say as advice to you is, you need to accept more happiness. I think sometimes you almost don't let yourself enjoy the good things in your life because you don't think you deserve it. Or maybe you just don't know how to. I don't know. I'm not saying you do that all the time. Just a lot, you know? It seems like you want SO much in our friendship. It seems like I'm always doing SOMETHING wrong. I'm not calling enough, or hanging out enough, when really, I've been trying to A LOT more lately. Seriously. I understand why you want to hangout more. Because that's what best friends do. But even if we do start to hang out a lot, there's something else there that just 'not right' for you. It seems like if I say one thing you will hold it against me until I do it. And you'll bother me about it repetitively. It seems like I'm never really a good enough friend. It seems like I'm always doing something wrong. And sometimes you can make big deals out of small things. And I'm not talking about what you recently made a "big deal" about. Because that was necessary. I'm talking about a lot of other times, when it's just so NOT necessary. When I think about it, I'm never really coming to you and telling you what you're doing wrong. I just enjoy our friendship, with the flaws in it and all. I'm not saying you shouldn't tell me the things that I've been doing that bug you. Because you can come to me with that anytime. I just wish I didn't do SO many things to make you upset. You seem to get really easily upset. Even if you don't want to confess to that. Sorry if that's putting words in your mouth. I am SO grateful for you. I love you to death. It just seems like when you're not stressed, you find something else that's going wrong. I want you to just enjoy the good things, I want you to enjoy the good people in your life, and I really am trying to be a better friend. I just wish you'd notice the change a little more. Maybe you do? I don't know. I love you! And no matter what, NOBODY can add up to as good of a friend as you are. Please take note: you are the longest paragraph in this blog.
20) You're such a great friend. It's just sometimes, you can say the meanest things to me, to everybody. It's not that often, but you do it A LOT! But the thing I like is you always say sorry afterwards. Or you always feel guilty about it afterwards. It shows that you actually do care about my feelings, and about other peoples feelings. I just know that you're a bigger person then that. I love talking to you, I love hanging out with you, and I really am glad I met you. I often worry that you talk bad about me to your other friends though, or I'm just a back-up friend to you at times. I don't know. I know you'd never do that. So just ignore that sentence. We hated each other at first, and now we're so close. It's insane. Hahahahaha
21) We only talk through text messages, and on myspace, but I feel like we have this really strong connection.
22) You often say you're going to things, and then you never follow through. You're all talk. But that's okay.
23) I actually kind of look up to you. You've made such a big impact on me that it's changed me into a completely different person. It's insane. I really think you're something great.
24) I love you. You're so much fun, you're so funny. It's funny that I liked you for a while. You're way out of my league. But whatever. You're so much fun to be around. But my god, you can be two-faced. And you lie so much. It actually worries me because I don't know how much I can trust you.
25) I want to be just like you. And I really don't think idolization is healthy.
26) I miss hanging out with you. I really hope we can start hanging out some more with out the rest of the "group" because you were always so much more fun with out them. I just hope you've kind of changed your ways. You're another person I can't be around too much or else I start to go insane. Because we both really know how to get on each others nerves. Besides all of that. You're one of the greatest people that I know. You're really wise, and really brave, and honestly I know you have feelings. I think you just have a REAL hard time showing them.
27) I think you'd be so much fun to be friends with. I don't know how I would ever get myself to hangout with you though. Because I'd have to get myself into your "group" and most of your group hates me.
28) I saw you the other day. You seem to be the same. I miss you a lot.
29) We don't really talk that much anymore. But you've kind of changed. I think you're getting to caught up in your reputation. And I think you can get too hyper and too emotional sometimes. I like how you used to be. Just so layed back, and so funny, and you didn't give a damn about your popularity status. I just think you're trying too hard to impress everyone. I don't like it. I don't really know who you are anymore. I don't mean to completely shove you out of my life, but I have a hard time being around you anymore.
30) Ah, you're so nice. Even though I'm not in the group anymore you still care about me. I remember when we were texting a few weeks ago and you told me you were worried about me and you cared about me. And that really meant a lot to me. I miss you. I'm glad we're still cool.
31) I can't stand you. That's all I can say. Oh and you're really obsessive. It's weird.
32) Ha! And I thought we were gonna start being good friends, and start hanging out a lot. Too bad all you care about is being popular. And you don't know how to make time for anybody except for the people you consider cool. Thanks for leading on my best friend and then letting her down. You're a great guy, you just need to learn how to fit more time for people.
33) I miss you more then anything. I'm glad you found somebody you're happy with. I'm sorry that he had to take over your life though. I hope someday you realize what you've lost. You let go of all your best friends for him. Because he didn't want you to have them. I think that's terrible. I really wish he never came around. We would still be best friends.
34) You used me. You didn't even like me. You fake bitch. I hear all the bad things you say about me. Hahahahaha this sounds like something an 8th grader would type or something. I really wish I never went out with you. You're a terrible girl. And I say that truthfully. You disgust me.