Wednesday, November 14, 2007

I'm in construction

This is just spilling out every word that runs across my mind. Each paragraph might not relate to the one before, but I just have a lot to say, and I'm trying to fit it all onto one blog.

I'm starting to make it better. I still don't know what I need. I still don't know where I'm going. I still don't know what I'm doing. But "I'm enjoying it all and that's all that matters"

I wish I didn't care so much about your opinion. But I do. You're words of advice intrigue me like no other. Don't think that I don't care about you trying to guide me. I do. I know that you care more than many other people in my life. And I wish I didn't make things hard when you're trying to help. But I just don't think I can make the change for you that you want me to make. I'm constantly adjusting, changing, and fixing who I am. I'm in construction. I'm building myself every single day. And I'm starting to get annoyed by how cliche this sounds. I'm never going to be the exact same as I used to be. And I'm sorry that I promised you that. I just wish you could see the great in me that there is right now. I don't care if that sounds weird. There's a lot of great in me, there's a lot of bad in me. I'm a changed person. But I'd like to believe I've mostly changed for the better. I'm so much stronger than I ever was.

Lets do a spell check real quick. Score! No missed spellings found!

ON ANOTHER THOUGHT: I just talked to an old friend. It was nice. I like that we have conversation now. I really like that we're so content with each other. At least.. I think we are. I hope we are.

I talked to Justin the other day on the phone. You know, my old best friend. Actually. He still is my best friend. No matter how long it's been since I've talked to him. I think I can always consider him my best friend. Anyways, we were probably on the phone for an hour. Talking about it all. Catching up. It was great. We planned to hangout and I couldn't get into town in time, so we didn't. But hopefully we'll get some hanging out before he leaves for Arizona.. That's gonna be really hard for me. He leaves in December. I feel like a fucking idiot for not asking him to hangout earlier. Okay I need to stop thinking about this subject.

No really! I'm going to go do my homework now. I think..

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