Thursday, October 30, 2008

Don't lose your head

I'm happy because you said you like me too.
And that just keeps me in a good mood forever.
It took me a long time last night to just say it, which is why we were talking so late. But I'm glad I did end up saying it.

I still can't believe it.
I still don't think I'm good enough for you.

I hate myself for waking up late and missing school all the time.
I'm probably gonna get a letter from the school soon or something. I can't do this anymore. The guilt of missing class is really getting to me. I've always looked at people who skip school as pathetic. I've never understood why you would. It just gives you more work to do in the future.. I really like my teachers right now too. And I'm sure now they have a really bad impression of me. God damn it.

I'm at home right now. And this is the last place I wanna be.
I've missed so much class lately that being in school is far more comfortable than being at home. Because when I actually am in class, I feel like I'm getting back on track. I caught up in math yesterday. I'm doing just fine. But the call to my dad tonight about all my absences really isn't going to go well with him.

I want to be proud of my grades.
I don't want to worry about finding rides in the morning.
And I want my fucking license.

13 more days.

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