Thursday, December 3, 2009


"Why didn't you sleep last night?"
"Over something stupd.."
"Waiting for her to call."
"Why did you want her to call? What'd you have to say?"
"Nothing really I just wanted to talk."
"And did she end up calling?"
"No.. And then I was just angry.. Which is what kept me up"

"Where are you going after third?"
"I don't know, she's not answering so I guess home."
"Do you want to go some where else?"
"No, not really."

But most important..

"It takes away a lot of my energy."
"What does? Work?"
"No. Her. And the time I spend hanging how I feel onto what she ends up doing. If we make plans and she ends up doing something else she doesn't care enough to call or tell me. And then it's me just basing my day off of guessing what she'll do, or what I should do. Nothing is ever straight forward, because she makes it that way."
"Don't you realize what you were trying to do from the start?"
"I sort of forgot what or why."
"You told me that you were trying to love her without depending on her, or even being around her because you knew that was taking too much of you. What happened to that plan?"
"I gave in. Because I still care."
"You'd still be caring both ways.. Just with your original plan you weren't being so vulnerable.."
"So what do I do?"
"You wait. You can love her all you want but I know it hurts not feeling loved back. You wait until she's ready to love you by more than just saying it."

1 comment:

Michael Fitzgerald said...

my mom always seems to find just the right words