Friday, October 2, 2009


Tonight I worked my last shift with her before she leaves for California.

The whole way home I cried. She's one of the only people I've ever met that genuinely cares about somebody before she even knows them. For this first month of my senior year, I sometimes felt like she was my only best friend I would talk to at the end of my day. She was who I spent my weekend nights with from four until ten. She made me feel important when I told her things that everyone else would see as unimportant. She really rubs off on people. She really gets people attached. I'd see her friends, or people that know her, come into the restaurant all the time, and they'd be talking with her, and laughing, and she always knew what to say. She always was good with anything on the spot, and then she'd get busy, and have to walk away and they'd still be there and you could see that they just wanted to her to come right back.

She taught me to drop things that shouldn't stay in my head too long.
She made me laugh my real laugh.

I learned a lot about people and myself because of her.
She has changed me in so many ways.

It's hard letting go. Especially with people like Katrina.
She will always be such a big part of me.

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