Saturday, September 19, 2009

I'm the same as I was when I was six years old

As a kid, whenever we'd play tag, there would always be a "Base." I always included that in the rules every time I'd play with anyone, even if they didn't want it. It was a "Safety zone" that you could step into and stay for a couple seconds to catch your breathe and then your resume running from the one chasing you.

It's funny to think about it like this, but maybe the games we played as kids had subliminal messages. Maybe there was a lesson tied on to all of them.

I have my own little safety zones, still. I have multiple. My safety zone is Stephanies house, in her dark room with her light that spins reflecting blue across the walls. Wrapped up in blankets. Whispering in each others ears. My safety zone is behind the wheel with Cammisha, when we drive past people we know, saying things they can't hear. While we listen to our favorite songs and tell each other things no on else can know. One is my work, with unfamiliar smiling faces that watch me walk by their tables with a pitcher of water. My coworkers that mean the world to me. Ones that ask you about your day and actually do want to know about it. Ones that make you laugh until you cry. Ones that do things like group hugs. People that actually make you feel the love.

These safety zones are my chances to catch my breathe. snap out of reality in a way. To regain my composure before I'm thrown back into the game. I can't picture life with out them. And I don't want to. I need my safety zones, to save me for just a couple moments from the things that are chasing me down.