Monday, January 7, 2008


School starts again tomorrow

I probably shouldn't be awake still
Because I don't wanna sleep past my alarm

I saw Juno today. Really good! Really good! I suggest you go see it.
Jocelyn was working there today. Like she is everyday. I payed for my ticket with all these quarters. Sort of embarrassing.

Nothing else is really on my mind today.
I saw this kid on the bus today. And it was like seeing a clone of me. He acts and talks like me and everything. And I saw this girl on the bus today. And we kept making eye contact with each other. And I feel like I know her somehow, or like I have some connection with her. I KNOW, WEIRD. But really.


Just buy me one. Go ahead. Just get it for me.
Okay I need to sleep. Or try, or whatever. I'll be SO pissed if I sleep in. God I wish I fell asleep earlier. But I love being in the basement. It's my new place to stay up all night on the weekdays. Now that my step brothers moved out I can actually come down here. Woo!

alright! bye! goodnight!

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