Thursday, January 24, 2008

Okay! I'm back

Sorry I haven't posted since Monday or whenever

My brother came out to the house tonight! He seems to be doing really good! He's going to the doctors tomorrow. Again. About his migraines. He seems really happy and he seems to be doing better. And that makes me feel a lot better because I've been stressing on it all week.


This week seemed to go by really slow. Probably because I actually came to school everyday. And on time. They said they were calling for snow tonight. But doesn't look like that's gonna happen

It would be great if I could wake up tomorrow and have it be like it was last year when we had a snow day. I remember right once I woke up I was like "Damn! Have to get up!" then my dad came in and was like "You don't have to go to school today." and since I was half way asleep, all I said back was "why? are you sure?" and then he pulled open my curtains and my backyard was covered in snow and stuff. It was pretty great. But then I was all pissed because I couldn't fall back asleep.

I'm really upset that I can't stay anywhere this weekend. I can go out during the day, but I can't stay the night at anyones house. Since I'm still grounded. And it'll be like that till spring break. Only sixty something more days to go!

I think I'm gonna see if I can stay at my brother David's house with him and Alyssa. I mean, my dad would probably let me do that. And it would be fun.

I really like the show 'The Moment of Truth' Camish and I watched it last night at my house. It's pretty intense. I'm gonna watch it again next weekend. She'll probably come over for it again. We'll start having 'Moment of Truth' parties.

I just had something important to say and now I can't remember what it is.

I realized today that I've got A LOT of people on my bad side this year. And I'm definitely not proud of that. I mean, I don't really care because they never really mattered anyway. But, it's still not the greatest thing knowing that I piss off a lot of people. And the fact that I've driven away so many people.

People really do fail to see the good in me sometimes. I'm not the biggest jerk around. I have a lot of good sides. I guess I just haven't been caring to show it to strangers this year.

Other then that, I'm really happy with the people in my life still!

I don't think any one's still reading.

I was in the kitchen with my dad today. And somehow we brought up the fact that Tim Allen is old. Lmao! Anyways. My dad goes
"I'm getting old too."
and I go "Nah! you're not that old!"
(DONE SAYING WHO SAID WHAT. You should be able to understand it)
"Dad, really. You're only in your fifty's.."
"That is too old! Most people just make it to sixty."
"Not true! Stop."
"Yes true! If you make it to seventy or eighty you're just doing good! It's amazing how fast life goes by. Every year seems to be going by faster and faster."
"I'd rather not talk about it like that. This is pretty depressing."
"But it's true. Enjoy you're young life, Michael! Enjoy every minute of it. Because before you know it, you're like me, and you're old."
"Does it really go by that fast?"
"Better believe it."

Then we kept talking about the show Home Improvement with Tim Allen.

Makes me grateful for the time that I have with him. Because when I move out, he'll be moving to bend with my step mom, and I won't be seeing him as much, and it's not fun to think about.

I'll start enjoying my young life. Just like he tells me to.

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