Thursday, September 11, 2008

It's all coming down, but I'm rising up.

I'm scared that I'm gonna lose you. And I don't know what to do about it.
I've just been blocking all of it out of my head. Because that's easier.

When I block it out I can just enjoy everything else, and think about it later.
I know that's not healthy. But once again, I'm gonna block it out, and stop talking about it.

I'm sorry..

I still feel like it's summer. Even if school has started.
I like having friends like you. The ones that have always stuck around. I loved going to the park tonight when it was getting dark and just laying on the basketball court and talking. We always have the best talks.

I love that it was still perfectly warm at 9:00 at night. And how on the walk back we kept running into pockets of cold air. But it was refreshing. And the air smelled so good. It always does when we walk by the wheat fields. Small things like that make me love living in the country.

I'm losing my focus.
What was I talking about?

I got a text from my dad this morning and it just said "Have a good day, Michael"
Okay.. no big deal.. I know.. But me and my dad never used to be like this. I love feeling close with him again. It's nice having such strong support from my family.

I'm so happy..

Too many thoughts mashed together in one post.
I'm going to bed.

I've beat my sleeping problem!

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