Thursday, January 14, 2010

Murphy's Laws

I stared at this blank screen for a long time and tried to figure out how to start this, but I don't know how. I'm happy lately. I guess that's a good start. My best friend is living with me, I haven't missed one class for two weeks, and I'm actually trying to put myself back together for once. Because when big details in your life collapse, you can't let the rest of the little ones that hold you together collapse, too. I am taking fear out of my life as much as I can. I fear for everything. And it's what has lead me here. I've learned a lot about myself and so many people in my life with in just the past month. And the last two months really have been the most significant to me..

The first night Cammisha moved all of her things into my house, after all the yelling, and chaos, after everything calmed down, she was sitting on her new bed in her new room with all of her suitcases and boxes around her. She told me about Murphy's Law. Which states, "Anything that can go wrong will go wrong." You're supposed to hate the law because it's all things that make a bad day. I was upset when I read, "A knowledge of Murphy's Law is no help in any situation." But I disagree.. Because I do believe once you stop hoping bad things won't happen, you'll stop hurting when they do. They're all negative, and they're harsh and brutal honest.. But that's the point. Life is not fair and it never will be. Murphy's Law is to not expect anything to go the way you want it to, and learn to accept that everything goes wrong. Every harsh honesty comes with a lesson, and every pain we need to learn how to take. It's not about looking for the positive in bad things, because that's something you have to do entirely on your own. It's about knowing that nobody gets it easy or can get around anything, and no matter how much you want to avoid the bad, it will always come. And you can't let the good slip away from you because of it. Things go wrong to test our strength. You make yourself strong by knowing what will always be around the corner. It's about things that don't really have a bright side. But as long as you know it's coming, that's all that matters. It's all about the truth. Things we look past. It's all about the things we try not to follow or believe. There's this big list I found of ones he's created and ones that other people made based off of Murphy's main ideas on life, love, war, music, and everything in between.. I liked these ones the most:

Whenever you set out to do something, something else must be done first.
A falling object will always land where it can do the most damage.
You will always find something in the last place you look.
If your looking for more than one thing, you'll find the most important one last.
No matter how long or how hard you shop for an item, after you've bought it, it will be on sale somewhere cheaper.

The other line always moves faster.
Doing it the hard way is always easier in the long run.
There's never time to do it right, but there's always time to do it over.
In case of doubt, make it sound convincing.
Everything takes longer than you think.
If anything simply cannot go wrong, it will anyway.
If you want something bad enough, chances are you won't get it.
If you think you are doing the right thing, chances are it will back-fire in your face.

Just when you think things cannot get any worse, they will.

If success is at first not achieved, every effort will be made to hide the fact that it was even attempted.

People who smile when things are going wrong have already thought of who will get the blame.

If you cannot convince people, confuse them.
If everything is coming your way, watch out.
If people listened to themselves more often, they would talk a lot less.
Trust only those who stand to lose as much as you do when everything goes wrong.
The length of a minute depends on what your are waiting for.
Left to themselves, things tend to go from bad to worse.
Things always get worse before they get better.
Bad weather reports are right more often than sunny ones.
The first place to look for something is the last place you expect to find it.
As soon as you switch lanes, your old lane speeds up.
The worse the haircut, the slower it grows out.
Anybody who says they have no regrets, is lying.
We all come alone, we all go alone.
The more hungry, the less food in the fridge.
Nothing will ever be exactly how you picture it.
The better job you do, the more work you can expect to be handed.
Your favorite coworker will end up leaving.
If you're running late the bus will be too.
Try not to discuss "your day" at the family dinner table.
All bleeding stops... eventually.
Friendly fire - isn't.
Love will be lost.
If it's stupid but it works, it isn't stupid.
Never go to bed with anyone crazier than yourself.
Killing for peace is like screwing for virginity.
Every command which can be misunderstood, will be.
The later you are running, the slower the people in front of you, and on any accessible side are going to drive.
Your phone will die when you need it the most.

If you have a pen, there's no paper. If you have paper, there's no pen. If you have both, it will be a wrong number.

When you try to prove to someone that a machine doesn't work, it will always work perfectly once you show them.

Law of Planning: Anything that can be changed will be changed until there is no time left to really plan anything.

When the world solves one problem, the solution will usually create another problem, far worse than the first one.

Progress is the endless exchange of one problem for another.
Just because you studied, doesn't mean you'll pass.
Whatever plan you make, there is a hidden difficulty somewhere that will derail it.
The one emergency for which you are fully prepared will never happen.
Doctors only ask your name when the patient isn't doing well.
All great discoveries are made by mistake.
No one can ever leave anything well enough alone.
Whatever happens, look as though you intended it to happen.
There is no limit to how bad things can get.
When things go wrong, they go wrong all at once, and at the worst possible time.
Your best golf shots always occur when playing alone. The worst happen when you're with somebody that you're trying to impress.
When you need the money, your shift is cancelled; when you have a weekend planned, you have to do overtime.

Nobody can truly ever understand how you feel.
Great ideas are never remembered and dumb statements are never forgotten.
Whatever you want, you can't have, what you can have, you don't want.
Enjoy the good, because it's not as bad as you think, there's worse to come.
It takes forever to learn the rules and once you've learned them they change again.
You will find an easy way to do it, after you've finished doing it.
Accept the fact that nothing is fully yours.
Whatever you want to be, expect it to change.
If you plan too much, it's going to be a disaster.
You are not going to win the lottery.
Your spouse wins, then leaves you.
The more you try to sleep, you won't.
Common sense is not so common.

Two wrongs don't make a right. It usually takes three or four.
The key of happiness is to be okay with not being okay.
You're only lost if you admit it.
Don't do it if you can't keep up.
Never go to bed mad, stay up and fight.
Nothing improves with age.
Love obscures common sense.
If you love a person let them go. If they don't come back, they weren't worth it.
The person you want the most will end up with the person you hate the most.
Any time you are unable to solve a problem, ask your mother. She probably won't know either, but she will fake it.

Hiding things doesn't really keep them away.
Don't deny being addicted, you'll become even more addicted.
It doesn't matter how many times you've done it, that doesn't mean you know it.
If you're expecting they won't call back, they won't call back.
If you expect someone to never leave you, you're setting up for disaster.

We build ourselves too much off of expectations for the better.. Knowing that there's a high possibility of so many things going wrong, isn't supposed to depress you. You're supposed to be able to laugh off the things that pop up in your day. You're supposed to know to keep going. Expect the worst. Love the best. And don't underestimate anything.

It's not something to live by, it's something to accept.

"But, remember, just when you think you know all the laws, another one appears."

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