Monday, March 2, 2009

Fakin' a smile with the coffee to go

Today was a bad day. Nothing unfortunate happened. No one did anything wrong, but I haven't really seen anybody today. And I haven't engaged in much conversation. For some reason I avoided any form of human contact. I got annoyed with every "Hello" and got a little more pissed off at anyone who bumped into me in the hallways. I even got frustrated having to reply when Mr. Linear called out my name for attendance. I felt very different from everyone today because everyone else seemed to be in a good mood. I don't really come across many days like this. No matter what, I usually always consider every day a good day. I guess I just let my bad mood take over.

But tonight when I was pulling out of dutch bros, I came to a red light and I was singing to the song on the radio. And I usually feel stupid singing in the car alone, but when I looked over at the car next to me, I saw them mouthing along too. They were listening to the same song. Singing the same song.

And just that, made my feeling of being disconnected from people today, go away.


Anonymous said...

I watched you type this from your closest h3h3h3

luv lola

Eritrea said...

whoa!! the last part when someone was singing the same song as you was cool.
i want to see that happen