Wednesday, May 28, 2008

we've got everything

We've tried everything
half assed it, and as liars, and thats how we've got everything.

If we carried it out to sea, pushed it over the edge, we could have all been through. Well no one even bothered showin' up, but we still did what we should have thought through.

We crashed in like waves into the stars
Didn't want it, didn't need it, but we knew that we could see it, so we opened up the door.

We receded like waves out of the stars
Didn't want it, didn't need it, but we knew that we could steal it, left it dying on the floor

We've got everything
We've got everything
We've got everything down to a science so I guess we know everything
We've got everything
We've done everything
We've tried everything
We've got everything
We've got everything

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