Monday, April 28, 2008


I'm starting over
With everything.
With everyone.

And it feels so great.

There's a million things I could say to so many different people.
There's her, who I don't know anymore.
There's him, who I can't stand anymore.
There's them, who don't even like to say my name anymore.

I've grown too lazy to put up with people that just bring me problems.

But this change, this restart, it's not about other people. It's really about me.
Because this whole year I've held so many grudges, and I've damaged so many people, and I've pushed away everybody. But I did it for my own good. I did it so I could be where I'm at now. Better than ever. As selfish as that sounds, it's true.

I'm done with these grudges.
I'm actually throwing out the bad energy I've had stuck inside of me.

No. It's not small change that nobody will be able to notice at all.
You'll see it. Everbody will. I'm done not giving great people enough credit for how great they really are. My friends are the greatest humans on earth. And they all deserve the world.

I feel so free. And I really feel like a complete different person.
I'm doing whatever the fuck I want and not worrying about it.

I'm nothing but happy right now.
I just wish everybody else around me would feel the same and let go of their bad energy and free themselves.

It's time to live.

1 comment:

Cammisha said...

You're inspring.
I love you I don't say that enough these days. I'm lucky I've had you in my life for so long.

but damn I miss being able to text you. Keep your grades good bro.