Tuesday, February 19, 2008

What’s behind the other door?

Here's a little update since I haven't wrote anything in here for so long. And since I deleted the link off my myspace. I think I'm gonna put it back on. Yeah I will.

I've been faced with so many god damn difficult situations lately.
But there's one main one. Yeah yeah yeah, another problem with a friend. Nothing new really. I'm trying to be the mature one in the whole situation but when a friend gives an apology and I don't say much back I think that's just immature. Sometimes the mature thing to do is forgive the person. Whatever maturity doesn't even matter right now. The main thing is, I want this friendship back. I think I just need to give it a little thought before I say "I forgive you" to them. But I'm almost 100% sure I'll forgive them. Because that's what I do a lot of the time. I forgive, I forget, and I try not to screw everything up all over again, or try to make sure I don't let them screw me over all over again.

Anyways. What else do I need to update everyone on.

I eavesdrop a lot lately. If you're standing by me, and you're talking, I'm PROBABLY listening in. Sorry. It's fun. I was just in dari mart a little bit ago and the line was long and I was buying a sierra mist and there were these three girls in front of me and they were all talking to each other and then one of the girls walk off and the other two girls go, "She's so annoying." I started laughing. I don't understand why people act nice to people they don't like. I mean, I'm mean to people I don't like. Or I just don't talk to them. It's the biggest waste of time faking nice to somebody.

There's this girl in my classes and she seems really interesting. I wanna get to know her. Hmm!

Okay! I'm working really hard for my camera.
I think I'll have it by spring break. And I found it somewhere were it's a lot more cheap. Go me!

Seinfeld is the gayest show on this planet.


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